IPCC report AR6

Our Ocean Conference 2022: 410 new commitments to preserve the ocean

Our Ocean Conference 2022: 410 new commitments to preserve the ocean 1300 556 Ocean Bound Plastic Certification

The seventh Our Ocean Conference concluded in Palau with 410 commitments worth $16.35 billion. Focusing on six Areas of Action, the conference convened partners from across the globe to identify…

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COP 26 : what’s new for the ocean?

COP 26 : what’s new for the ocean? 1012 675 Ocean Bound Plastic Certification

To many, COP 26 has been a failure to mobile the resources needed to preserve our ocean. If the ocean was mentioned in the preamble of the Glasgow Pact, noting…

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Climate change and the ocean : an overview of the IPCC report AR6

Climate change and the ocean : an overview of the IPCC report AR6 2000 1370 Ocean Bound Plastic Certification

In August 2021, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) launched its Sixth Assessment Report, highlighting the consequences of climate change on the ocean, the coastlines and coastal communities. What…

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